Child Protection Unit (CH)

Starting from 1999, all IB extracts received by the Attorney General on investigations relating to Child Abuse matters were classified as a separate subject within the Criminal Division and such files were opened under such classification. Between 1999 and 2004 files under this classification were opened at an average of 1300-1500 files per annul.

In view of the need to investigate and prosecute child abuse cases and the Government’s commitment to enhancing Child Protection Measures, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal tabled by the Minster of Justice to set up a special unit within the Attorney General’s Department to attend to those files. Accordingly, a special unit was created in August 2004 and continues to operate within the Department.

Files in the CH Unit are attended to on a priority basis and are supervised according to an internal circular issued by the Hon. Attorney General, in order to expedite the conclusion of such files.

**The picture in this page depicts a poster drawn by L.A.S.R. Karunaratne from Kandy for the All Island Poster Competition organized to commemorate World Child Day in year 2018, The National Child Protection Authority held All Island poster competition on ‘United Nations Convention on the rights of the child’. This picture has been taken from the website of the National Child Protection Authority (